Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well its been a busy couple weeks...but all is well.
sandy made me a doll from her class at Frenzy Stamper..I named her Pearie Francie..cause...I was doing a Pear theme box at the if you look close you will see the Pear inside now..Pearie Francie will always have something to snack on...

Mom loved her too..and mom is doing well. Told me the other day that if i keep giving her goodies she will get TALL.

And sent along a pictures of some flowers..that have not bloomed for 2 years and this year decided to make up for it...beautiful pink..hope the pictures do it justice.

I have finished the books, and decided to do 2 quick books..which actually i thought looked just as nice as the ones that take a week. I have decided that when i know exactly what I want to just goes...when I am not sure..or I too many takes longer..whatever, its fun!!

Now I am going to work on a purse box...bought these went Ink It went out of business..and I found some metal FEET from Tim Holtz in California. Found that Scrapbooks Etc also carries anxious to put this project together.

Mom will be 95 this August..she is amazing..told me today she will buy me a bathroom for my house. she says " judy you gatta get a toilet in here". thats because we tell her to use her potty pants...( we do this because getting her out of the wheelchair and on to the toilet is very hard)
Well mom doesn't want to wet her I finally told her we had no toilet in this house!!

oh well.
whatever works.
Enjoy..whatever this day brings!

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