Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Well besides the MAC class and finishing the 1920's book..I did some painting...I do have a shop..which I seem to forget until its almost I took the old blue bench I had on the porch and painted it red...still needs to be distressed...but took some pictures of mom
helping out!!

also caught mom reading an Easter card from my brother Ken...probably really sent by my sister-in-law..carolyn..either way..Mom loved it!!!

and I added a couple more pictures of the 1920's you still trying to find the embellishments from the previous post!!

And I wanted to update you on the last book..the clock book. Well I got a battery for the small
clock face..but...when I went to remove the clock to take it to the store...I discovered my design of how to keep the clock fastened..yet able to be removed for future batteries, didn't quite work...pulling the ...well..took 1/2 the paper with it!!! soooooooo
had to do some serious repairs since the paper is held down with some major METAL binding...
so its in the repair shop!! BUT....lucky for can be repaired without removing the entire front page...

what I find interesting about these 4 books..and the papers what my original thoughts were for the embellishments...did not at off the theme..or paper...or I just didn't like them...and the paper I thought would be the hardest to embellish due to either so much activity on the paper..or little activity on the paper..turned out in my estimation to be the most 'eye catching'...and most fun...the clock which I really liked the ideas I had...turned out to be the one I am least satisfied with...and felt I should have been able to do more with...the fact you can
use the clock..its real..and removable..was probably the only hi-light of the embellish features.. althought the metal trim is really sharp.....maybe doing 4 was too much..not sure...any excuse is ok...but not acceptable...but..I am sure those receiving the journals will enjoy them!

And since the clock book is in the repair shop...its not really pictures...and who knows if the repair shop can make some other repairs..we will see......

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