Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good Morning..say hi to Jack and Flapjack..cheryl brought scones and a playmate for flapjack..we both made out with that visit!

And mom helped me with the red tray..whoops was old and red with resin on it and some stenciling.

And got a picture of her cleaning up the sink..she was always more fun in the kitchen and she proves some things don't change with age..she loved helping me out fixing salad etc...!!

have not done a whole lot, but doing trial and error from nancy reyners book...then the ideas in the Altered Surfaces book from Golden is just making me hoping to get to some this week end.

flapjack continues to 'do what delights him'..which is just digging, playing, playing and playing. John says ' I have never walked so much..played so much..and done not much else"!!!

Mom helped me in the kitchen last week and loved it. We have forgotten just how much she CAN do..she loves wiping up the sink and helping with dinner...its of them are old..but there is still alot of busy busy time inside that 94 and 10 month little lady! She thinks she can do anything...until she tries to get up...will say ' judy what happened, yesterday I walked to church and back'. sure mom.

my friend sandy finished another great class at Frenzy..the dog house. its adorable so soon as I figure how to get from my my blog..I can share. Taking anything from my Iphone or camera is easy...just throw me something new and I have to check with my Mac lady, debbie!!!
who happens to be in London..relaxing with a broken toe! See debbie..a birthday..a year older..and the Toe gives out!

have a great week.

Friday, June 18, 2010

following nancy reyner

well you know I am following Nancy Reyner's Acrylic Revolution book...and have fallen in love with fiber paste. So far I have rusted some pieces and now I tried a stencil using the paste, removing and did not fall apart. looks and feels just like paper. You can then embellish, emboss whatever and its easier then when stencil is on your substrate and allows you to choose exactly where to put the embellishment without realizing you don't like it after its already stenciled on your art!

I am finding using my craft paper is perfect for this, although you could use freezer paper.

WOW..what is Flapjack doing while I am sitting here quietly writing in my Artist Way journal..digging a hole??????????? nope..guess he just wanted a cool place to sit. These guys are smart!!

Well as Artist Way says...Do what delights you!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


well as you can see..I have my studio table all set for painting. nothing else there! and its filled.

decided to follow Nancy Reyners Book Acrylic REvolution and do at least 2 techniques a day...waiting for time didn't work..time waits for no one..and I am actually accomplishing more then i think with just the few minutes as mom is in bed..awake having toast or whatever since i can hear her.

the cheesecloth is wet when layed on the canvas so it glue. then painted between the cracks and you can't really tell but the outcome actually looks like the cheescloth is still there due to the thickness in places with the paint. then I added the idea of doing a transfer over with black and white to watch the colors come thru the transfer. I think you can get a background for some transfers this way rather then trying to paint a transfer after!

I also did the feather painting, the ribbon and the eye dropper. IThis morning i started the coarse Pumice gel techniq..I have covered the canvas..will let it dry and will see the rest after I follow the other steps. interesting effect with coarse pumice.

and I liked the fiber paste with the rust so I covered a 8 x 8 grundge board so i will have the rusted paper, thicker..and bigger..wanting to maybe cover a book during micheal demengs class this summer. will show you the 8 x 8 when its finished..but i also added a picture of the previous fiber paste since it has really rusted even more!!!

and of course flapjack got his first bath!!!! Thanks to aunt cheryl who led us thru this..( had to buy some DAWN) who would have guessed. new doggie parents..getting there!

now have to go help john fix the brand new sweeper that he tried out and got a string caught!!!!
life goes on!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

fiber paste

well Debbie had a birthday and I love when someone gets one year older..except for some reason they still never catch up to me!!! darn!

but it gets us all together...goody goody...we had a great time! who's next?

and..flapjack had a birthday. one year old. should have put a party hat on him , but everyday
is a party..he is so cute...happy...we love him.

but now i have cleared the studio table and have decided to concentrate only on paints and mediums. no gluing paper, no journals. i have had the mediums for 3 years and yet never learned all the interesting applications, like the fiber paste.

in the pictures i have taken fiber paste and made a thin piece..almost looks like paper..thin and able to be cut. then i used metal paints and activator to rust the piece...nice because now i can cut this up into any embellishment i would like, that resembles old rusted metal.

then.i did a stencil over the top..using the same applications, paint and activator to make it more interesting....
and now i am on to more testing...i intend to do nothing but testing and painting until august 1..then i will evaluate to just what i learned!!!
see ya