Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good Morning. Yesterday was my Artist Date ( for those of you who have read The Artist Way) and I went to the movies and saw The Ghostwriter...great movie. Since reading the Artist Way I am more aware of all the artistic talent around me..including scriptwriters!!

So now back to the Pear Box. For some reason, I found a pear, in my studio and a pear stamp and decided to make a pear idea who will want a pear box...but thought I would show you where I am with this..and any suggestions are welcomed!!!

I have a pear mold..and some opals you can see my opal pear! I love purple and green and the ribbon I found in Taos, New Mexico was beautiful ( as you can see) but i copied it onto Can-Van and am using it as the side borders.

I found an old I have decided to frame my opal pear for the top of the box..and I painted the stamped pears for the inside cover.

thats it so far!! oh yeah, I lined it in green silk fabric that my friend Sandy gave me...
so I will let you know how this progresses...and if you have someone who loves Pear Boxes..let me know!!!

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