Monday, March 22, 2010

well I promised you sandy's picture..with her hat from Hats to DYE for..the class she took at AU..her first class...and now she is planning 2010..with so many to choose from..but..she is going back!! So you will meet her in August. this day it spin!!!
I put mom outside in her chair..she loves it outside...but she calls me 20 times in 20 seconds...and so I run...for a while...then I let her call me because eventually something will catch her eye and she will forget she is calling calling me and me not responding...she started yelling....FIRE FIRE FIRE. oh my gosh..I was only 20 feet away in the kitchen..I ran fire. nothing. I think the neighbors spotlights that were on in their back year because they are gone..looked bright.

But...even tho I told her no fire..and went back was 30 seconds and she started screaming, judy, fire...judy, fire! well..i can only imagine what the neighbors thought!!!
so..that ended mollies nice relaxing afternoon in her chair..not sure if she was relaxed...I mean there was a her mind.

When I started to take her in..she said ' oh judy thank you for saving me, but what about everyone else.'" I said not to worry everyone got out ok!!

So..thats my excitement for the I can do!!!!
Not sure about tomorrow but hopefully the spotlights will be turned off!!!! There is a big wall..and the house is NOT that close..but somehow she saw the glare or something!

So now I am taking her back with me to the finish some of the books! Hope to have 2 of them on the blog by end of the week!!!

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